Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Currently under developement: W.A.S.P.

The currently under developement W.A.S.P. serial tools for grasshopper are workflow and datapackage optimized tools for Arduino an labuino serial connections. The first beta version will come up soon with following components:

Motor Control:
| Servo | will allow you to control servos from Rhino or Grasshopper. When more than one servo is attached, you can defined control one of them.
| Stepper | will allow you to control stepper motors from Rhino or Grasshopper. When more than one stepper is attached, you can defined control one of them.
| Motor | will allow you to control motors from Rhino or Grasshopper. When more than one motor is attached, you can defined control one of them.

Serial Write:
| String Write | writes a simple string to the serial port. There are two versions of this tool. In one the String gets flaged with an startbyte, in the other one not.
| Bytewise Write | writes single Bytes to the serial port. Gets used when values always are in range of 0 - 255 to hold the datapackage as small as possible.
| Write Boolean | writes a true or false to the serial port.
| Write Nibble | writes a Nibble to the serial port. You can create the Nibble on binary level.
| Write Byte | writes a Byte to the serial port. You can create the Byte on binary level.

Serial Read:
| String Read | reads a string from the serial port and maps it to a list of values.
| Bytewise Read | reads bytewise from the serial port and maps it to a list of values. Gets used when values always are in range of 0 - 255 to hold the datapackage as small as possible.

Stay clean for further information

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